Emotional and Physical Wellness

Ascending in the New Energy
Online Healing Events
We all feel it - the framework that we have gotten used to has gone and we are faced with near constant change - the guardrails are falling off and those that can navigate the turns safely will do well - but it’s not an easy path sometimes. This series, Ascending in the New Energy, is focused on helping us grow and evolve in these turbulent times.
Each event in the series is presented as an album. The first track in the album contains the entire event, while the second track is edited to include just the Transmission: clearing, activation and meditation (with music added).
Listening to the replays carries the same healing energies as the original live version.
Audio Replay for Part 2 held May 19th
It's Time to Get Ready
The focus of the second event in the series is to understand - at the cellular level - that we have the strength and inner wisdom to “know” with the full multi-dimensional awareness of our complete selves that we are destined to achieve a new state - where we know we need to be.
The first track in the album contains the entire webinar, while the second track has the clearing, activation and healing circle (with music added).
Video Replay for Part 2