Emotional and Physical Wellness
New Online Healing Series:
Creating a new Blueprint for your Health
through the Chakras
1st Chakra: Recorded on Tuesday July 3rd, 7pm
1st Chakra: Our connection to our Family and our Tribe - Feeling Safe and Supported
Physical issues with: spine, legs, bones, feet, immune system
Emotional Issues: depression, anxiety, addiction, fear of abandonment or survival
The first track on the Album recording contains the entire webinar, while the second track contains only the meditation portion so that you can replay it with ease. Enjoy!
2nd Chakra: Recorded on Tuesday July 17th, 7pm
2nd Chakra: Partnerships and Relationships - Financial and Physical Self-sufficiency
Physical Issues with: sexual organs, large intestine, lower back, hips such as arthritis, chronic lower back pain, prostate or ovarian health, fibroids, menopausal symptoms
Emotional issues: challenges bringing our creativity into physical form, fears about financial or physical survival
The first track on the Album recording contains the entire webinar, while the second track contains only the meditation portion so that you can replay it with ease. Enjoy!
3rd Chakra: Recorded on Tuesday July 31st, 7pm
3rd Chakra: Personal Power - Self Esteem
Physical issues with: stomach, pancreas, adrenals, upper intestines, liver, central spine. Emotional issues relate to: not feeling “good enough” - fears of criticism, rejection, looking foolish
The first track on the Album recording contains the entire webinar, while the second track contains only the meditation portion so that you can replay it with ease. Enjoy!